Amputee Dating and Friendships

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Can a person with an amputation live a normal, healthy lifestyle?

Amputee Dating and Friendships

When many people meet an individual with an amputation, they are often taken aback simply because they do not know what to say or how to act. People may sometimes be uncomfortable or nervous about offending the person with the amputation. Once a new friend or date gets beyond the initial discomfort of not knowing what to say or do (s/he hasn't learned that s/he should act just as they would when first meeting a person with all four limbs), a wonderful friendship can be established.

If the person with the amputation is more outgoing, this hurdle isn't quite as high as with a quiet, soft-spoken person. Just as quiet, soft-spoken people with all four limbs have trouble making fast friends, so will a person with an amputation—but it is not because of the amputation. Your actions also help dictate what the other person's actions will be—they will take cues from you. If you act embarrassed about an amputation or your abilities, the date or new friend will act the same way.



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