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Family and friends like to protect the people they care for. When a family member or friend suffers an injury that causes an amputation later in life, family and friends feel they must protect the injured person. This includes doing everything for that person. An amputee can easily adapt to living on his or her own, without constant help and supervision from family members and friends.
Adaptions may include learning to do thing with one hand or arm and getting up and down steps with one foot or leg—at least until a prosthetic device has been created. Even with a prosthetic, because there is no feeling in that part of the body, the amputee must learn how to adapt to using it. A person tends to adapt much quicker if she or he does not have someone doing everything for him or her. At the same time, a person may prefer having help, as she or he feels it gives him or her stability—they will eventually start trying things on their own.
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